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Hi there! My name is Emily Fishman, and I'm a 2019 graduate of the University of Michigan with a major in English and a minor in Writing. This website began as my Capstone project for the minor, driven by my love of the romcom (if you couldn't already tell) and my desire to look at pop culture with a critical eye. 


Besides romcoms, I'm a lover of books (YA or bust) and politics. I'm originally from Houston, Texas, so there's a non-zero chance I'm craving queso at any given moment. Barring any major life changes, I'll be moving to New York in the fall to pursue a career in publishing (like any good romcom heroine should). 


Above all, I want to thank you for taking the time to engage with this project. I'd love to hear from you on social media – what romcoms should I watch next? Happy romcom watching, y'all.

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